Save episodes to be played again - Favorites

If you have BeyondPod set to normally delete after playing, or you use Automatic cleanup to delete old episodes in a feed, whether you've played them or not, you can prevent certain episodes from being deleted in one of two ways:

  1. Mark an episode as a Favourite. This will prevent that episode from being deleted, even when you manually delete, unless you tick the box to Also delete locked/favorite episodes. (For streaming episodes, it prevents the episode from being notionally deleted, but you'll only be able to play it again for as long as the episode still exists in the publisher's feed.)
  2. Prevent ANY episodes from a feed from being deleted in the Advanced section of the Feed settings: Uncheck "Allow Episode Deletions"

When you mark an episode as a favorite, or prevent episode deletions in a feed, the episode will get a little Heart symbol to show that it won't be deleted.

You can mark an episode as a Favorite from the three dots menu in the Playlist or from the Feed. From version 4.2.10 (?) onwards, you can also mark an episode as a favorite from the three dots menu in the Player.

In the My Episodes list (for All Feeds, Categories, or a single feed), you can Filter for Favorites to see which ones you've marked.